Washtenaw Wide Open Wireless

While the Washtenaw Wide Open Wireless organization does not require advertising in our proposed plan, we are exploring the use of it in order to reduce the cost of providing county-wide service, and to speed the deployment of the network. If you are an Internet advertiser, an Internet advertising provider, or simply have suggestions, we would very much like to hear from you! The form below lists questions to which your answers would help us greatly.

This e-mail form will be sent directly to representatives of the Washtenaw Wide Open Wireless non-profit organization, and is to be used specifically for the purpose of evaluating the viability of advertising support of the Wireless Washtenaw project. WWW may contact you to seek additional information for this purpose, but will neither use nor share this information for any other purpose.

Required items to process your reply are listed in bold type. Filling in other items is very helpful, and much appreciated -- but optional.

Phone #:
Fax # :

Please check the following boxes as applicable:
I am an Internet advertising user.
I would consider placing Internet adverisements through Wireless Washtenaw to reach Washtenaw County customers.

I provide Internet advertising services.
I would consider providing revenue sharing for page views originating in the Wireless Washtenaw network.
If yes, typical revenure share rate:

Additional comments or suggestions: